
Become a sponsor and join in building to contribute to the Africa we want.

APAC offers sponsors the opportunity to be at the forefront of essential dialogue and decision-making, and the opportunity to convene a global conservation community around an African-led agenda. It is the first outcome and action-oriented congress of its kind to bring together decision-makers in development and conservation-focused exclusively in Africa.

For more information please contact Beulah Erhiawarien  BErhiawarien@awf.org

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For 60 years, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Africa has worked to provide innovative solutions to conserve species and their habitats and maintain key ecological services; inspiring and mobilizing a wide range of stakeholders from community members, park rangers, to political leaders.

Established in 1994 by Dr Luc Hoffmann, the MAVA foundation represents his life-long commitment to nature conservation. A Swiss family philanthropic foundation based in Switzerland with a regional office in Dakar, Senegal, it is currently in its final phase of activity and will end its funding in 2022, after which the foundation will cease its activities as planned by the founder.