Charlotte Karibuhoye
Head of Strategic Alliances & Director, MAVA West Africa programme, MAVA Foundation
Charlotte Karibuhoye Said is Head of Strategic Alliances and Director of the West Africa programme for the MAVA Foundation. Charlotte is responsible for implementing MAVA’s strategy for West Africa, overseeing all strategic partnerships and projects in the region and managing the MAVA regional office. She is also in charge of coordinating the development of partnerships with other donors. Together with the other Programme Directors and the Director General, she also jointly manages MAVA’s overall project portfolio, including the global projects.
Before joining MAVA in 2014, Charlotte worked with FIBA (Fondation internationale du Banc d’Arguin) as the MPAs program coordinator and oversaw among others the establishment of the first regional network of marine protected areas in West Africa. A doctor of veterinary medicine, Charlotte also holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in conservation biology from the University of Goettingen, Germany.