The IUCN APAC initiative will promote the enhancement of the status of conservation in Africa by engaging Governments, the Private Sector, Civil Society, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, and Academia to shape Africa’s Agenda for Protected and Conserved Areas, to better deliver benefits for people and nature. There will also be a focus on Covid-19 and pandemics throughout the congress.
While there will be some overlap between the 3 high-level Streams, each of the streams is important on their own. Each stream will have 1-2 keynote addresses complemented by 2 moderated panel discussions. Participants will be able to contribute through round table discussions to agree on key issues, recommendations and practical action points.
Cross-Cutting Themes
The cross-cutting themes are important for each stream, though there may be different perspectives. Each cross-cutting theme will organize a workshop with each of the 3 streams. Each of these workshops will follow a similar format with a keynote introductory speech, a moderated panel and round-table discussions. Participants will be able to contribute through round table discussions to agree on key issues, recommendation and practical action points.
Theme 1
Governance mechanisms to safeguard Biodiversity and Protected and Conserved Areas in Africa.
Theme 2
Resolving resource use conflicts as a pathway to security and conservation within and around protected and conserved areas across Africa.
Theme 3
Securing a climate resilient future for Nature and People in and around Protected and Conserved Areas in Africa.
Theme 4
How Science, Technology and Indigenous Knowledge contributes to the management and effectiveness of Protected and Conserved Areas in Africa.
Theme 5:
Financial resilience and sustainability are the key for long-term success of Africa’s protected and conserved areas.
Theme 6
Reducing the impact of Physical infrastructure on ecosystems and biodiversity in Key Africa Landscapes.
Pre-Congress Workshops
There will be 2 official pre-congress workshops. Each will last 2 days and will take place before the IUCN APAC to prepare participants to better engage with the various aspects of the congress.