The overarching objective of the IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC) is to position Africa protected and conserved areas within the broader goals of economic development and community well- being and to increase the understanding of vital role parks play in conserving biodiversity and delivering the ecosystem services that underpin human welfare and livelihoods.
Support African leadership and commitment to implement a development vision prioritizing nature and societal aspirations for sustainable and resilient outcomes.
Practical Actions
Promote practical actions that value the role of protected and conserved areas to enhance resilience, support sustainable development, human welfare and well-being.
Identify the underlying drivers of biodiversity loss and seek commitments from governments to comprehensively address these.
Practical Measures
Agree on and deliver practical measures to enhance effective governance and management of protected and conserved areas to achieve their biodiversity and social outcomes, and ensure social and environmental sustainability.
Support and strengthen measures to recognize, elevate, and uphold the rights, responsibilities and roles of indigenous people, local communities and young people in conserving nature.
Develop and agree on key messages and effective platforms to advocate for protected and conserved areas to be high on the agendas of Governments, society, local communities, the private sector, and partners as part of post pandemic nature–positive recovery efforts.
Launch effective Pan African networks, partnerships and cooperation mechanisms to support the effective management of protected and conserved areas and ensure their long-term sustainability including a Cooperation Agreement, a Directors’ Platform, and sustainable financing mechanisms.
The IUCN APAC will culminate in the adoption of “The Kigali APAC Action Plan” anchored by the objectives and the emerging consensus and recommendations of the Congress. In the lead-up to IUCN APAC, heads of state, ministers and representatives of government agencies will be invited to prepare and make statements supporting these commitments during the congress. In support of this, each congress stream and cross cutting theme will propose actions that will contribute towards “The Kigali APAC Action Plan”.

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